Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

A system that detects if a person is dressed appropriately, using computer vision. Build18 2016 Hackathon project.

View the Project on GitHub eknight7/MirrorOnTheWall

Day 3: Jan 12, 2016

I had a face detector working with OpenCV and C++, and ofcourse it took only two minutes to setup! I chose to work with 2 aspects:

I anticipated that glasses will be a problem in detecting eyes of a person. I spent a few hours surveying literature on glass detection.

Day 2: Jan 11, 2016

Spent many hours compiling OpenCV on RPi. :( Switching to a laptop version of my hack now.

Day 1: Jan 10, 2016

First day as Build18 officer during Build Week, 2016! With project parts all set and ready for students to start hacking, I started working on my project plan. My project relies on computer vision techniques so I got a good webcam by Logitech. I also got a Raspberry Pi 2 (jumps up and down) and started setting it up write away.

Here is a picture of the stuff I got: Project Parts

I was able to install and setup my Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian and get Wi-Fi working (can't use ethernet in the ECE labs in Hamerschalg Hall). All set for installing OpenCV 3.0 tomorrow!



Remember that project presentation when you walked in front of the room in a terrible mess because you couldn't sleep during finals week? This project aims to make a mirror that saves you from such embarrassing situations. When you look into a mirror, sleeplessly or sleepily, red-eyed and with minimum attention, this mirror will warn you to dress appropriately! The project will use a Raspberry Pi attached to one or more cameras that will track different aspects of your dress and will give audio feedback of whether you are ready to go. The project will involve custom data collection for different kinds of scenarios such as wearing a clean, buttoned shirt, image processing and machine learning, and perhaps even stereo vision to deal with a variety of dressing problems.